Cathy Raphael
Cathy Raphael is a founding mother of the Women and Girl’s Foundation of Southwest PA. She is a long-time supporter of Three Rivers Community Foundation in Pittsburgh where she established a Women’s Initiative Fund. She has served on the boards of the Ms. Foundation for Women, Women Donors Network, Women’s Law Project, Society for Contemporary Craft, Peaceful Dwelling Place, Phoenix Institute, and the Funding Exchange. Cathy helps direct her family’s funds at the Pittsburgh Foundation as well as her own, the DANU Fund.
Cathy has worked as a metalsmith, led playshops for grown-ups and is a storyteller and writer. She created The NUIN Center, an alternative healing space in Highland Park. Her workbook, It’s Our Turn to Play!!!, was published in 1999. Her fantasy novel, Journey to the Heart Stone, will be published in the fall of ’22
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