Dinah Ortiz-Adames

Dinah Ortiz-Adames

Dinah Ortiz-Adames is an afrolatinx drug user activist who has fought for decades for system-impacted communities. After her role as Supervisor at the Bronx Defenders, Family Defense Practice Dinah began doing consultant work as a Drug user organizer and activist who has shared her story of parenting during past chaotic substance use nationally and a fierce advocate for parents in the child regulation system. Currently the co-chair on the NCSU (North Carolina’s Survivors Union) Board of Directors and leadership team member of USU (Urban Survivors Union) and Board member of the Albert Einstein collaborative Impowr-me project, she’s worked for several non for profit organizations and developed advocacy skills along the way. From working with formerly incarcerated women to women with a history of domestic violence. Ms. Ortiz-Adames has tried to give voice to the unheard. Participating on various platforms, including presenting on panels, in documentaries and as a keynote speaker and plenary speaker to educate audiences on PWUD (People Who Use Drugs) and PWLE (People With Lived Experience) de-stigmatize and disrupt the narrative.
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