Get Involved Support the Movement

We believe that the current criminal justice system was and is a means of control rooted in slavery and Jim Crow, and designed to create an exploited underclass. We believe that this system thrives off the criminalization of many peoples’ daily lives and disproportionately affects Black and Brown people, poor people, transgender and queer people, people with a history of mental, developmental or emotional disabilities, women and youth, Muslims and people of other U.S. religious minorities, and activists.

We believe that violence is largely caused by a lack of access to resources and opportunity, and that the current system based on retribution and punishment hijacks resources that could provide essential services–housing, food, education, and health care–in favor of caging human beings, routine torture, and perpetual punishment that denies the humanity of those affected. We believe that a denial of any person’s humanity injures the humanity of each of us, and all of us collectively. Hurt people hurt people. This must stop.

The only way to stop this madness is through building up the power of those affected so they can lead a movement that challenges the status quo and provide not just a vision, but a blueprint for a new social order. We believe that we need a critical mass of people, those most impacted along with like-minded lovers of justice, of every hue and class, who join in demands for change and the accountability of those responsible.

We believe that you are essential to that movement for change.

Ways You Can Support CJI

_Bcome a member

Become a Member

Learn more about membership opportunities at CJI by contacting Jordan Moeller at [email protected]

_Donate by mail

Donate by Mail

CJI is an independent 501(c)(3) organization. Please make checks
Payable to: Circle for Justice Innovations
Mail to: 115 Myrtle Ave, Floor 7, Brooklyn, NY, 11201

_Donate online

Donate Online

You can make your tax-deductible contribution (to the extent allowed by law) here

_Explore our model

Explore Our Model

Interested in learning more about CJI’s participatory grantmaking model for your philanthropy or family foundation? Contact Associate Director, belinda nelson at [email protected].