Rest Well, Harry Belafonte

The Circle for Justice Innovations Fund wishes to convey our sorrow at the profound loss of Harry Belafonte, an actor, singer, artist, philanthropist and formidable movement leader. Mr. Belafonte played a decisive role in the betterment of humanity all over the world, but he was particularly instrumental at critical junctures in U.S. history when courage…

It’s Time for Action. The Time is Now.

The time is upon us. Our country is falling deeper into fascism, and our movement against the carceral state is a critical line of defense. The only thing oppression needs to win is for good people to do nothing. We cannot be neutral. While much needs to be done in the larger political arena, small…

The Truth About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Jan 16th, 2023 Today as we pay homage to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we must acknowledge him as a true anti-establishment radical and reject the whitewashing of his legacy. Dr. King’s words are often misconstrued and sanitized, which undermine liberation movements—”the Santa-Clausification” of Dr. King, as Dr. Cornel West aptly described in his book…